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SECNAV Del Toro As-Written Remarks at the USS New Jersey Commissioning

Thank You/Introduction

Good morning, everyone!

Admiral Houston, thank you for that kind introduction and for your leadership of our Navy nuclear team.

It is an absolute honor to be here with all of you today in beautiful New Jersey—the birthplace of the United States Submarine Force—to commission our fleet’s newest Virginia Class submarine, USS New Jersey (SSN 796).

Mayor Perry, thank you for supporting our service members and their families who are stationed, train, and work here at Naval Weapons Station Earle. And thank you for all you have done to make today possible.

Governor Murphy, thank you for your presence today and for your advocacy of our maritime services in New Jersey.

Representative Norcross, Representative Smith, and Representative Pallone, welcome and thank you for your support of our men and women in the armed forces.

President Boykin and Vice President Runkle, thank you for your partnership building the Navy our Nation needs.

Dr. DiMarco, on behalf of this crew and our Navy, thank you for serving as ship sponsor for the USS New Jersey.

In this role, you will forever be the connection between this warship, her crew, and the legacies of so many servicemembers from New Jersey.

To the crew of USS New Jersey and your families, thank you for your service and sacrifice. Our Navy families shoulder the burdens of our absence, and service in defense of our country is only possible because of the love, support, and sacrifice of our loved ones.

I am grateful to have had the support of my wife Betty and our four sons throughout my own naval career, a career in business, and now as Secretary of the Navy.

To the rest of our Navy team, the commissioning committee, and our partners in industry: thank you for your unwavering support—this commissioning was made possible only by your tireless efforts.

New Jersey and Call to Service

This modern marvel behind me is the culmination of years of hard work and collaboration amongst government, industry, and the crew.

The Navy’s newest Virginia-Class Fast Attack Submarine, USS New Jersey, is the third commissioned ship named to honor the contributions and support provided by the state of New Jersey.

Our Navy’s Submarine Force is formidable—a lethal combination of one of the most powerful platforms available today manned by our Nation’s best and brightest.

SSN 796 brings tremendous firepower to our Fleet and indeed our Nation—providing our commanders a valuable asset which strengthens our national security.

And this submarine honors not only the legacy of the ships who bore the name USS New Jersey before her—both battleships.

The first New Jersey was part of the Great White Fleet and circumnavigated the globe. Following the end of the Great War, USS New Jersey (BB 16) brought our soldiers back home from Europe.

The second New Jersey was known as the “Big J.”

She was the most decorated battleship in our Navy’s history—fighting in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

During her 47-year career, she took part the two largest naval battles in history, the Battles of the Philippine Sea and Leyte Gulf, and supported the invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

She received 19 battle and campaign stars, six Navy Unit Commendations, and at least 11 Meritorious Unit Citations.

This submarine also honors the legacy of the great people from New Jersey.

Because people—our Sailors and Marines—are our greatest strength, and force resilience and readiness begin and end with them.

Our Sailors, including those from New Jersey, raised their right hands to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

In turn, through their willing service and sacrifice, we as Americans wake up every day in a nation which values and protects democracy—a nation which strives every day to become a more perfect Union.

I thank the future Navy and Marine Corps Officers from Rutgers University who presented the colors for us today.

These men and women will lead our Sailors and Marines, and some, if they are lucky, may one day even serve on this submarine.

I am proud to stand here today as we welcome another “player to the field,” manned by an all-volunteer force of Sailors who have dedicated their careers and their lives in service to our Nation.

And she will honor all those from New Jersey, sailing to protect our freedom from deep below the ocean’s waves.


To the Sailors of the USS New Jersey, you are about to embark on a great adventure as you bring this ship to life.

On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you all for the work you have already done, for the sacrifices you have already made, and all that you will accomplish in the future.

May God continue to watch over this ship, her crew, their families, and may they have fair winds and following seas wherever they may sail.

Thank you.

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