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The cost of speaking online / REL analysis, this is what happens with violence in Albania

The cost of speaking online / REL analysis, this is what happens with violence

"Since I opened my blog for the promotion of comprehensive sexual education, I have had constant attacks on social networks", says Zhaklinë Lekatari for Radio Evropa e Lire.

She is one of the most vocal activists in Albania in defense of the rights of girls and women, and also the author of the blog "", which she opened seven years ago.

The Albanian authorities admit that the phenomenon of online violence has become a concern and that it must be addressed.

According to data from the Ministry of the Interior, in 2023 there was a 40% increase in criminal offenses in the field of cybercrime, registered by the police.

Of the 756 such offences, 70% were related to the misuse of social networks. Reports from various organizations also highlight online violence, with derogatory and bullying messages against girls and women.

Lekatari: Virtual violence is emerging strongly

Lekatari says that virtual spaces are becoming places of crime.

According to her, gender-based violence against girls and women has very deep roots - "in patriarchal traditions and customs".

"The patriarchal oppressor, the observance of a system of 'honor and shame', customs, orders that come from a well-consolidated and well-inherited hierarchy within the family and this control that takes place from generation to generation, appear continuously... Virtual violence is just a new way, in which this phenomenon - which is not new at all - is appearing strongly", says Lekatari.

"Since I opened my blog to promote comprehensive sex education, the attacks have been systematic. Every time I go out to promote freedom of thought and choice, they are constant," adds the activist.

She says that she has reported all cases to the police and appeals to all women and girls to do so.

"Of course I have denounced them. I tried to report all those cases in which I knew who my abuser was. Even when [the attacks] came from anonymous people. I think that every responsible citizen should take their causes to higher levels, so that they become a precedent for other cases, for other women and girls", says Lekatari.

"One in two women have experienced violence"

Estela Bulku, representative of the UN Women organization in Albania, tells Radio Free Europe that gender-based violence, especially against women and girls, is a very widespread phenomenon in Albania.

She says it remains a priority to be addressed through policies, programs and everyday measures by many social actors.

“Vrojtimi kombëtar i fundit, i kryer në vitin 2018 nga Instituti i Statistikave të Shqipërisë, në bashkëpunim me agjencitë e Kombeve të Bashkuara në Shqipëri, tregoi se një në dy gra të moshës 18-74 vjeçe kanë përjetuar një ose disa forma të ndryshme dhune: fizike, seksuale, psikologjike apo ekonomike gjatë jetës”, thotë drejtorja e programeve të Un Women në Shqipëri.

“Një nga format ishte edhe përndjekja - 8.9 % e grave raportuan se kishin marrë thirrje telefonike kërcënuese dhe fyese dhe 6.4 % e tyre emaile, mesazhe me tekst apo në rrjetet sociale, që ishin fyese apo kërcënuese”, shton Bulku.

Sipas saj, dhuna me bazë gjinore përmes teknologjisë është fenomen i kohëve të fundit, porse të dhënat janë shqetësuese.

Ajo thotë se në vitin 2023, UN Women ka bërë një studim të fokusuar te dhuna ndaj grave përmes teknologjisë, me rreth 12 mijë gra e vajza të moshës 15-65 vjeçe, në 13 shtete të Evropës Lindore dhe Azisë Qendrore.

Studimi, sipas saj, ka treguar se në Shqipëri, krahasuar me vendet e tjera të Ballkanit, ka më pak dhunë online.

“Megjithatë, 41 për qind e grave shqiptare aktive në internet kanë përjetuar gjatë jetës së tyre një nga format e dhunës përmes teknologjisë, më pas vjen Kosova me 43.3 %, Serbia me 55.8 %, ndërsa Maqedonia e Veriut mban vendin e parë me 62 %”, thotë Bulku.

Ajo sqaron se dhuna online, kryesisht, ushtrohet nga të panjohur, por se ka raste edhe nga partneri, ish-partneri apo anëtarë të tjerë të familjes apo kolegë.

“Kjo formë dhune prek katër herë më shumë grup-moshën 18-24 vjeçe, sesa gratë mbi 65 vjeçe. Pra, rreziku për t’u ekspozuar ndaj dhunës, është më i lartë për gratë që kalojnë më shumë kohë në internet”, thotë Bulku.

Ajo, po ashtu, thekson se gratë me profil publik preken më së shumti nga kjo dukuri.

Sipas një studimi të fundit të UN Women dhe të Organizatës Botërore të Shëndetësisë, të cilin e citon Bulku, “gratë e vajzat e reja, gratë me aftësi të kufizuara, personat LGBTI, gratë e minoriteteve dhe gratë emigrante kanë më shumë gjasa që të përjetojmë më shumë forma ekstreme të dhunës digjitale”.

Në Shqipëri, platforma ku ka më shumë dhunë online ndaj vajzave dhe grave është Instagrami, por edhe Tik-Toku e Facebook, thotë Bulku.

Dhuna online dhe rastet që tronditën Shqipërinë

Në një seancë parlamentare, muajin e kaluar, ministri i Brendshëm i Shqipërisë, Taulant Balla, tha se vendi duhet ta përafrojë legjislacionin me Bashkimin Evropian sa i përket sigurisë digjitale dhe se është gati të firmosë aktin e tregjeve digjitale, për t’i garantuar çdo qytetari shqiptar më shumë siguri.

Ai iu referua rastit të një 41-vjeçareje, e cila u vetëvra më 2 janar të këtij viti, pas, siç u raportua, sulmeve dhe denigrimit online që iu bë figurës së saj.

“Rasti i Bedrie Lokës, e cila u bë target i një sulmi të tillë, duhet të na bëjë të jemi të ndërgjegjshëm se këto lloje sulmesh çojnë deri në akte të rënda, siç është humbja e jetës”, tha Balla në Kuvend.

Tash për tash, nuk ka ende ndonjë risi ligjore.

Loka ended her life in the first days of this year, after a profile with her photo was opened on social networks, where she was insulted and denigrated.

The police arrested Loka's husband - a mother of four children - who was accused of continuous violence against her.

At the same time, the specialized structures for the investigation of cybercrimes carry out several actions to identify and bring before the legal responsibility the author or author of the misuse of the victim's data on the social network, TikTok.

The investigation into this case had started a year before the serious incident and the authorities said that the case is still under investigation.

Just one month later, in the suburbs of Tirana, a 27-year-old woman - mother of a minor girl - ended her life, after, as reported in the media, she was blackmailed online that they would publish an intimate photo of her.

The person who threatened him was arrested by the police.

REL failed to provide any data on how many cases, in total, are being prosecuted this year.

"How much does violence cost?"

Lekatari says that the institutions lack the will for a comprehensive approach against what she describes as "a system of violence and a system of patriarchy".

The activist also says that there is a lack of culture and education with long-term strategies.

According to her, the institutions have not yet thought about "how much violence costs".

"If we analyze how many perpetrators are accused of violence, murder, rape, we see that violence costs us a lot. There is a lot of investment in law and order institutions and the result is this growing and continuous violence," she says.

According to Lekatar, education and awareness are essential elements for addressing the issue.

"Denunciation is, obviously, the first step towards freedom, although it is a very difficult moment. Victims of online violence need support from family, institutions, civil society, so it is difficult for Albanian women to report. The fact that they are not economically independent is another element that should be mentioned", according to her.

She also emphasizes that there should be laws that hold accountable all those who use bullying or derogatory language online.

The Criminal Code in Albania, similarly as in Kosovo, does not have any special article on bullying on social networks.